Sunday, August 23, 2009

Arequipa y football

Some photos of Arequipa. Although you can´t always see them in the pictures, sourounding the city are snow-capped volcanoes. If you have facebook, photos from the full adventure are posted.

The volcanoe behind a small lake in the country side.

Our group in the main square. Note the palm trees in front of a replica of the Notre Dame Cathedral. Beautiful!

Horseback riding in the countryside!!

Because it was the anniversary of Arequipa, there were tons of parades (below) and fairs . Rhiannon and I got a free make-over at one of the fairs (right). They were so excited to see our skin and eye color. During the process, the Avon girls kept remarking about how beautiful the makeup around our eyes turned out. Although it photographed well, we ended up looking what Americans would consider a little over-done and/or trashy. However, the stylists from Peru considered it an exotic look and we were photographed for a long time before we were let go.

Below: part of our group at a national soccer championship between the local team and Uraguay. We won 2 to 0. I´ve been told by a lot of my friends who didn´t go, that we were on TV. I´m still looking for the video on Youtube.

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